Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Private law legal person
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Receiving restrictions

Public Event is a natural or legal person, it is planned and organized made available to the public holidays, commemorative, entertainment, sports or recreational activity in public, regardless of the ownership. A public place is any location, which, irrespective of its actual use or the form of property, serve the public for the common needs and to safeguard the interests and in return for payment or free of charge, which is available to any natural person who does not possess the appropriate site owner, lawful possessor, holder, a salaried employee or other person having its seat in that location is associated with organizing the event of the implementation of the work duty, or are on the basis of the contract. Permission to hold a public event is a local izsniegts dokuments, kas organizer of the event gives the right to a specific place and time to hold a single public event in the administrative territory of the relevant self-government. If a public event venue is located in the administrative territory of several local governments, organizer of the event needs to receive all the relevant self-government authorisation.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The organiser of the measure, not later than 15 working days prior to the planned public event, shall submit a submission addressed to the institution regarding the organisation of the public event. It is desirable for an application to use the specified form (Application for the organisation of a public event).
    The following documents (as necessary) shall be attached to the application:
    1) a civil liability insurance policy;
    2) a form for the co-ordination of the organisation of a public event;
    3) copies of contracts entered into by the organiser of the measure with order-makers, persons responsible for the technical security of the public event, as well as public order and security, presenting the originals;
    4) if the planned public event provides for sports competitions, the organiser of the event shall, in addition to the submission, attach the by-law of sports competitions;
    5) if dangerous equipment will be located or used at the location of the public event, the organiser of the measure shall attach to the submission copies of the permits necessary for the possessor of dangerous equipment intended for use in regulatory enactments and other documents necessary for the operation of such equipment (certificate of operation safety), presenting the originals;
    6) if the planned public event provides for competition in motor sport, motor sport or water motor sport, the organiser of the event shall, in addition to the referred to documents, attach to the submission the licences of the sports federation recognised in the Sports Law (in the specific case “Latvian Federation of Motosports” - hereinafter - LaMSF) issued by the Sports Law and the relevant sports form. copies of the licence of the relevant category of the main judge licensed in the form, presenting the original, or notarially certified copies;
    7) a traffic organisation scheme;
    8) the written consent of the owner of the location of the event for the organisation thereof, if he or she is not the organiser of the measure.
    when submitting an application, the organiser of the measure shall present a personal identification document, but the representative of the legal person - also documents attesting his or her right to represent the relevant legal person
    Documents may be submitted in person to the Visitor Acceptance and Information Centre of the municipality of Dobeles or the parish administration, by post or by electronic means. An electronic submission shall be signed with a secure electronic signature in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

  2. A service charge
    The local government fee shall be paid for the receipt of the service. The amount of the fee is determined by the binding regulations of the Dobeles municipality “On the Fees of the municipality of Dobeles” (see section “Other information” - “Regulatory enactments”).

  3. Receipt of services
    After examining the documents received, the municipality of Dobeles shall prepare a permit for the organisation of a public event or a decision regarding the refusal to issue a permit and inform the submitter of the application thereof in writing. The decision shall be sent to the applicant by post or by electronic means, according to the applicant's instructions.
    A permit shall be issued in person at the Visitor Acceptance and Information Centre of the municipality of Dobeles or in the parish administration, presenting a registration certificate (legal person) of the company or a personal identification document (for a natural person).